This website provides an overview of your benefit options. The complete provisions of the plans are set forth in the Plan Documents and Summary Plan Description. If the information online is inconsistent with the Plan Documents, the Plan Documents will govern. This website is not intended as a contract of employment or a guarantee of current or future employment. The Plan Sponsor(s) reserve the right to amend or terminate each plan at any time.

Manage your health, navigate the health care system and make the most of all the programs and resources American offers.
Enrollment & Eligibility
See who’s eligible for benefits, when to enroll, and when your benefits end at American.
Dependent Verification
Learn what you need to do to ensure your spouse, domestic partner, children and other dependents are verified for coverage.
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Notices & Forms
Download it here – summary annual reports, notices, retiree forms, and more. You can also use the search bar to find a form.
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Plan Guides
Find everyday guides, summary plan descriptions, summary of benefits and coverage, and plan documents.