If you are enrolled in a medical option through American (except DFW ConnectedCare) and have a covered surgery coming up, Lantern will:
- Assign you a personal care coordinator to offer one-on-one guidance and support as you prepare for, undergo and recover from surgery.
- Connect you with a top-ranked, board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeon near you.
- Facilitate and consolidate your payments. Lantern negotiates all costs before the surgery, so you’ll pay a single rate for all associated surgical charges, and any bills will come directly from Lantern.
This is a benefit available to you if you’re enrolled in the Core, Standard, Plus, High Cost Coverage, PPO 80 or PPO 90 medical options. You can choose whether or not to use Lantern for your surgical procedures, except for bariatric procedures, which are required to use Lantern.

To connect with Lantern today, call 833-709-2445.

You can also go through the Lantern member portal. Click Register Now to create your profile and start exploring this free service.